![BEYOND THE ‘FEFERITIS’: CHRISTMAS MAKES US ONE BIG CHRIST-FAMILY](https://dcachurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Xmas-850x520.png)
‘The Lord is born today,
Let us rejoice today.’
This was always like an 02 arena shutdown event just that the celebrity was so humble and was usually present in everyone’s homes.
Okay, let me jog our memories about what Christmas was in our time…
Christmas, for some of us, meant Christmas trees and glowing lights filling the streets, rhyming Santa Claus hats and caps, we rocked for this occasion. Perhaps it was the deafening sounds of bangers, like a trumpeter ushering in this event, or our hands dancing disco with our disco lights sparkling with twinkling stars.
All these signified the Christmas season to us. As kids, we anxiously anticipated this glorious day, and maybe we still do because there was always a lot to eat and drink, or the new attires we got adorned in. Oh, the ‘feferities’ during this festive period! Beyond the celebrant, we were all celebrants celebrating the same cause. Also, Christmas served as a string that brought family and friends together, a time laughter was shared around a festive table and cherished memories that lingered for a lifetime were created.
It was all shades of love on our side and yeah, it still is!
Beyond all the aforementioned, lies a deeper truth which is the language of love, the spirit of love that weaves us into one big Christ-family. Christmas inspires acts of kindness and generosity, breaking down barriers that may exist throughout the year. The Christmas spirit of love does not have to be confined to a few weeks in December alone, it goes beyond that.
As the curtains are gradually being drawn to this festive season, let us retain this spirit of love. Whether it’s lending a helping hand to a neighbor, comforting the lonely, or reaching out to those in need, the true spirit of Christmas lies in the simple acts of LOVE that illuminate the darkest corners of our world! As God so loved the world that He gave us a bundle of love so that we can further extend this love by loving our neighbors as ourselves, knowing he is my brother, she is my sister, and together we are one big Christ-Family, let’s embody this spirit of love and contribute to building a world where the spirit of Christmas is not confined to certain days but celebrated every day.
Remember, Christmas is a time to commemorate the PUREST LOVE of God the Father to mankind. On this rests our faith; on this rests Christianity! Without the love of God encapsulated in the gift of Jesus Christ for the salvation of our souls, then our faith is in vain and Christianity loses its flavour!
Christmas is beyond the ‘feferities’! It’s a call to embrace the Father’s Love; a call to expressing God’s Agape love even to the most unlovable being on earth. Until you act this way, you’re still playing church! The agape Love of God makes us One Big Christ-Family!