Can the bread belonging to the children be given to dogs? No.
But can children feed on the food meant for pigs? Yes, they can! Why?
Many believers today are like the prodigal son when he was at the far away country; he lost touch with the source and forgot who he was. He lost his identity and started competing with the pigs to get food to eat. Some are like his elder brother, they are with the father but do not know that all that the father has belongs to them. Alas, they suffer in silence because they do not recognise their place in the Kingdom.
David in the book of Psalms gives a vivid illustration of who we are and describes us as ‘gods.’ Jesus also affirms this in the book of John saying, “I’m only quoting your inspired Scriptures, where God said, “I tell you … you are gods.”” God created us to have dominion over every other thing He created; but this can be lost when we don’t know who we are or what our identity is. The bread belonging to the children can never be given to dogs; but, if the children fail to stand up and claim their rights, even puppies will not hesitate to have a fill day on the children’s meal! You cannot enjoy the benefits of your sonship in the Kingdom, until you recognise and know your true identity in Christ Jesus and make bold to claim your rights.
When you know who you are, you can boldly say:
I am a god, the son of the Most High;
I have a rich inheritance;
I’m the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus;
I’m led by the Spirit of God, I’m a son of God;
The Spirit that God has given me, does not make me a slave nor cause me to be afraid; instead, the Spirit makes me a God’s child, and by the power of the Spirit I cry out to God saying, “Abba Father!”
I have dominion on all the things God created and I subdue them.
Yes, I know who I am! I am a co-heir with Christ Jesus;
I am a Child of God. I’m not a slave; I’m not a dog;
I’m a King-Priest; I rule and reign on earth; and I subdue nations;
I decree a thing and it comes to pass, for I am a King-Priest!
Who are you?