It’s ever green, ever relevant, in season and out of season;
The message is ever new; always fresh.
From Jamaica to India, North America to Europe; Island to Outland;
The savor is ever pleasant;
The flavor, sweet to savor.
Oh, ring the bell, let it sound louder, the Saviour is born!
How sweet the sound; how pleasant in our ears!
The great news of all times; the glad tidings that never rescind.
Year in, year out, the message is same!
The plan of redemption by the Creator,
Creatively packaged in a lad.
Welcome, O ye our King!
With awe we welcome you.
What a gift of love you are to mankind!
Humbly submitting yourself to consummate the love of God to humanity.
Oh, would you rejoice O ye nations,
At the breaking news of the birth of our King?
Bow down your heads; pay homage to our Saviour-King.
Let the tambourine sound, play the piano,
Blow the trumpets, clap your hands, shake the cymbals,
Beat the drums, ring the bells.
Go to the North, move to the South,
Break the News, spread the gospel;
Christmas is around the corner;
Let’s celebrate the Father’s Love;
The perfect package of Heaven’s Love.
Jesus Christ, the reason for the season;
Jesus Christ, the glad tidings of great Joy.
In the world devoid of Good News,
Christ remains the best News of all times!!!